Recall the Four Target Character Traits which will assist a person in absorbing the Positive Core Values necessary for reforming human nature and the quality of society, namely
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Blameless Work (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fifth Group of Blessings. Blessing Eighteen :- Blameless Work.
Social Disaster : 2.The Student Teacher Relationship
The ideal student is someone who never ties of learning new things either about worldly or spiritual matters. It is not enough just to be curious-to learn in depth
The Process of Engendering Responsibility
The problem is that no person is a perfect exemplar of all the qualities of a True Friend. It is therefore necessary to have tactical friendship starting with those around us
Social Disaster : 6. The Boss-Employee Relationship
If an employer and an employee are undisciplined and do not cherish harmony in the workplace according to the teachings of the Six Directions
Social Disaster : 4. The Relationship between Friends
If a person does not cherish his or her friends according to the duties described in the Six Directions, the harm that will come to them can be concluded on three levels
Mechanism # 3 : Abstention from the Six Roads to Ruin
Those who have refined minds can foresee that resources in this world are limited. They try to share their incomes with other people in the society, nation, and the world for the benefit of each individual as just as possible.
Conclusion: The Characteristics of a Virtuous One
It was due to the great compassion of the Lord Buddha that he deigned to teach Noble Discipline, not only for monks, but for householders too, in the form of Noble Self-Discipline for Householders [gihivinaya], as a guideline for achieving happiness in life and developing society.
The Discipline of the Enlightened Ones
“(I count amongst my) noble disciples those who have the self-discipline to refrain from the Four Defilements of Action, who restrain themselves from the Four Forms of Bias and who do not indulge in the Six Directions…”
Core Value # 3: Virtue should be honoured
This sort of view advocates any form of practice which praises pr honours the virtues of others. To give some examples: